Stay Connected: Making It Safely Home
Bishop W. Christopher Waddell shares ways to stay connected to the one true source of knowledge—Jesus Christ—so we can make it safely back home to our Father in Heaven.
Lifelong Conversion
Dale G. Renlund explains that lifelong conversion comes through determination to repeat the elements of the doctrine of Christ.
Are You Ready?
Christpher Waddell explains that we must prepare to meet our Heavenly Father. When the time comes, will you be ready?
“Always Remember Him”
Why is the covenant to always remember Jesus Christ significant? Elder Soares discusses how this seemingly small covenant affects all we do.
“And Always Remember Him”
Gordon Lindsay reiterates that when we take the sacrament, we covenant to always remember Him. But how often do we really remember Christ?
Cycle of Life
We all experience life's peaks and valleys—moments of spiritual highs and lows. How can we remain at the top rather than slide back into spiritual darkness?
Essentials of Faith
Reverence for the Savior's atoning sacrifice, faith in His power to forgive and to save, and a testimony of repentance are essential to faith in the gospel.