{"id":8800,"date":"2015-08-18T09:38:01","date_gmt":"2015-08-18T15:38:01","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/speeches-dev.byu.edu\/?post_type=speech&p=8800"},"modified":"2021-12-01T16:58:30","modified_gmt":"2021-12-01T23:58:30","slug":"a-compensatory-spiritual-power-for-the-righteous","status":"publish","type":"speech","link":"https:\/\/speeches-dev.byu.edu\/talks\/neil-l-andersen\/a-compensatory-spiritual-power-for-the-righteous\/","title":{"rendered":"A Compensatory Spiritual Power for the Righteous"},"content":{"rendered":"

My dear brothers and sisters, I am humbled to stand before you. Many of you will know that the First Presidency originally assigned Elder L. Tom Perry to speak here today. I am honored to stand in his place.<\/p>\n

In the past ninety days we have witnessed, as President Russell M. Nelson likes to say, \u201cthe graduation\u201d of two extraordinary Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. President Boyd K. Packer was made a General Authority just after my tenth birthday. Elder L. Tom Perry was ordained an Apostle before my wife, Kathy, and I were married, when we were students here at Brigham Young University. For more than forty years they sat together in the Quorum of the Twelve, and for more than half of that time they sat next to one another. President Packer, with a smile, would say that the Lord put Elder Perry next to him to kick him in the ankles when he got out of line.<\/p>\n

During those many decades they moved across the world and used every opportunity to testify of the divine mission of the Lord Jesus Christ and of the restoration of His gospel. And as they bore witness of Him, He refined them, purified them, and sanctified them. President Packer, who was by his nature a very private man, would lament at times that members of the Quorum of the Twelve were destined to die onstage.<\/p>\n

President Packer had a very quick wit. One Thursday morning before our meeting began in the temple, Elder Perry was conversing with me at the junior end of the semicircle of chairs. President Packer, speaking in a cheerful voice so all could hear, said, \u201cTom, come up here where you belong. Ten good men have died to put you in this chair.\u201d<\/p>\n

They both moved through the veil with dignity and spiritual power.<\/p>\n

On the week that Elder Perry passed away, he attended our meeting on Tuesday. On Tuesday night, as recorded by his son, Lee, he had a spiritual experience that let him know his time was soon.1<\/sup><\/p>\n

With Elder Russell M. Nelson on assignment in eastern Europe, Elder Perry, on Wednesday morning, called Elder Oaks and Elder Ballard to his apartment. He told them his time was short and that he would not be coming back into the office. He recorded a six-minute message for the Quorum of the Twelve, telling us he loved us, encouraging us in the work ahead, and bearing his sure witness of the Savior. We were sobered as that recording was played for us Thursday morning in the temple.<\/p>\n

The First Presidency went Thursday afternoon to say their good-byes to their dear friend. Elder Nelson called Elder Perry from Bulgaria Thursday evening. On Friday morning President Packer rose from his feeble \u00adcondition and traveled to Elder Perry\u2019s apartment to say good-bye. They reflected on their many years together. President Packer reminded him that Elder Perry had always said that he wanted to go through the veil at least one day before President Packer. They rejoiced that they would soon see each other on the other side.<\/p>\n

On Friday afternoon, just after 4:00 p.m., Kathy and I had the chance to visit with Elder and Sister Perry. Elder Perry was sitting in a comfortable chair, weak but conversant. He asked us, as he did all the members of the Twelve, to watch over and care for his dear Barbara. He expressed his love for us and we expressed our love for him. I told him that in a few years, as I followed him out of this earthly experience, I hoped he would be there to greet me. He promised that, if given permission, he would. He told us he would do all that he could to bless our work from the other side of the veil.<\/p>\n

Less than twenty-four hours later he stepped through the veil. Thirty-four days later President Packer followed him. I, with you, revere these two disciples of Christ. I confirm to you that they were honest men, holy men\u2014devoted to the callings that they had received and full of the pure love of Christ. I testify that we will yet see them again.<\/p>\n

My brothers and sisters, we live in very interesting times. Here are some selected statistics from recent studies:<\/p>\n