{"id":2939,"date":"2005-08-11T11:34:43","date_gmt":"2005-08-11T17:34:43","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/speeches-dev.byu.edu\/?p=2235"},"modified":"2021-03-15T10:47:08","modified_gmt":"2021-03-15T16:47:08","slug":"let-your-voice-be-heard","status":"publish","type":"speech","link":"https:\/\/speeches-dev.byu.edu\/talks\/carr-krueger\/let-your-voice-be-heard\/","title":{"rendered":"Let Your Voice Be Heard"},"content":{"rendered":"

What an incredible privilege it is for me to have attended BYU and to now serve both this university and its sponsoring organization. That said, I must acknowledge that being alumni president is not without its perks. One of those is being invited to sit in the president\u2019s loge during Homecoming games. (Although, frankly, at times during the last few years, that has been the only thing fun about those games.)<\/p>\n

At one Homecoming game, running a bit late, my wife and I arrived just after the kickoff. People were still milling around, and, although still at some distance, we noticed that our seats were occupied. From my wife\u2019s angle above, she could only see that they were filled by an elderly couple.<\/p>\n

Now, you need to understand that my wife would rather stand for three and a half hours than offend anyone. However, her passion for BYU football caused a serious internal conflict. So, being the thoughtful husband that I am, I stepped back to watch with amusement how this conflict would play out. She approached a female student usher to explain that an elderly couple were sitting in our seats and then asked, \u201cWhat should we do?\u201d<\/p>\n

Seizing the opportunity to tease, and with feigned indignation, I added, \u201cWould you please go tell them to move?\u201d<\/p>\n

A scowl raised on my wife\u2019s face just as quickly as the blood ran from the young student\u2019s. While looking past us at the elderly couple, only a few rows away, this young lady had clearly recognized who the \u201cseat stealers\u201d were and began to sputter and stammer, searching for words.<\/p>\n

Unable to hold a straight face any longer, and fearing my wife\u2019s glare was going to burn a hole right through my head, I smiled and politely asked, \u201cWould you have any other seats? We\u2019d be happy to have President and Sister Hinckley stay right where they are.\u201d<\/p>\n

Also attending that particular game was Elder L. Tom Perry, seated about a dozen chairs away and a few rows down. The game was going poorly, with BYU getting beaten badly. Approximately halfway through the third quarter, President Hinckley had seen enough, and, raising his voice in order to be heard by Elder Perry, jokingly said, \u201cTom, you\u2019re just not cheering loud enough.\u201d<\/p>\n

Replying the only way appropriate to such a comment, Elder Perry simply smiled and said, \u201cI\u2019ll do better, President.\u201d<\/p>\n

Today I ask each of you graduates, \u201cWill your voice be heard when it is time to cheer on BYU?\u201d<\/p>\n

I\u2019m not talking about a football game; rather, will your voice be heard when it is time to support BYU\u2019s divine mission and objectives?<\/p>\n

Like you, many of the defining experiences of my life were obtained here at BYU, on what I believe is hallowed ground:<\/p>\n