{"id":18338,"date":"2019-03-19T15:26:31","date_gmt":"2019-03-19T21:26:31","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/speeches-dev.byu.edu\/?post_type=speech&p=18338"},"modified":"2023-07-14T11:18:40","modified_gmt":"2023-07-14T17:18:40","slug":"prophetic-invitations-and-promised-blessings","status":"publish","type":"speech","link":"https:\/\/speeches-dev.byu.edu\/talks\/randall-k-bennett\/prophetic-invitations-and-promised-blessings\/","title":{"rendered":"Prophetic Invitations and Promised Blessings"},"content":{"rendered":"

My dear brothers and sisters, my wife, Shelley, and I are thrilled to be with you today. We both have very fond memories of being here forty-five years ago. Let me tell you a little bit about the two of us. Neither of us came from fairytale backgrounds or perfect circumstances.<\/p>\n

My wife grew up in a part-member family. Her nonmember father passed away when she was seventeen, and a beloved older brother passed away a few years later. Fortunately, when Shelley arrived here at BYU, she was ministered to by incredible students and faculty just like you\u2014for which I am eternally grateful.<\/p>\n

While Shelley was here, I arrived as a young full-time missionary\u2014before the MTC was even built. My parents were already struggling in a marriage that would eventually end in divorce. Soon after arriving here, I became homesick, and I became really discouraged. Then I was Dear Johned by my girlfriend at the time. In spite of all of this, it all worked out really well, because even though neither of us knew it at the time, my future eternal companion and my very best friend was right here waiting for me. We both love being here!<\/p>\n

Now, you may not come from perfect circumstances either, but I promise that if you will act with faith in your Heavenly Father and His plan\u2014His great plan of happiness\u2014and if you will act with faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement and follow God\u2019s prophets, you will be given power to do whatever the Lord needs you to do and to become whatever He needs you to become, in spite of your circumstances.<\/p>\n

While I am speaking today, the Holy Ghost will also communicate important truths to you and give you guidance that you need in your life. I encourage you to write these things down and then follow the feelings that come to you.<\/p>\n

Follow the Prophets of God<\/b><\/h2>\n

First, I would like to tell you about the angel who consented to be my wife after I had made four marriage proposals. When Shelley was fifteen years old, she had an experience that changed the rest of her life. At a youth conference, she unexpectedly met an apostle. He did not know Shelley or her family, but he invited her to do something really surprising. He asked, \u201cWill you kiss your father on the cheek every night and tell him that you love him for one full year?\u201d<\/p>\n

Shelley agreed, even though silently she thought, \u201cThis is going to be impossible!\u201d<\/p>\n

The apostle did not know that her father was a wonderful but very, very reserved man. Shelley had never seen her father kiss anyone, including her mother, and she had never heard her father say, \u201cI love you,\u201d to anyone. But, as impossible as it seemed, she decided to do what an apostle had invited her to do.<\/p>\n

The first few nights as she kissed her father on the cheek and said, \u201cI love you, Dad,\u201d he did not react positively at all.<\/p>\n

She persisted night after night, but her father would simply sit rigid, like a statue, while she kissed him on the cheek and said, \u201cI love you, Dad.\u201d<\/p>\n

This continued for one entire year. By then it felt good expressing love to him, so she decided to continue. Eventually, one night she heard her father whisper, \u201cI love you, too.\u201d The next night, he kissed her on the cheek as well.<\/p>\n

A few days later, her beloved father suddenly passed away from a heart attack.<\/p>\n

Please don\u2019t misunderstand. I am not telling you to kiss people who don\u2019t want to be kissed. I am not telling you that it is okay for anyone to react to kindness with anger. I am telling you of the power that has come into Shelley\u2019s life because she learned at a very young age to follow the prophets of God.<\/p>\n

Shelley\u2019s father did not join the Church before he passed away, but many years later another apostle asked her, \u201cShelley, do you know why the Spirit clearly prompted that apostle to invite you to do what he invited you to do?\u201d He then said, \u201cIt was because Heavenly Father knew that you could soften your father\u2019s heart before he passed away so that he could accept the gospel on the other side of the veil.\u201d<\/p>\n

Shelley has been blessed in countless ways throughout her life by following the Lord\u2019s apostles and prophets. As a result, she has blessed my life immeasurably. I love my eternal companion, and I am grateful for who she has become\u2014first and foremost because of her love for God and also because of her trust in and willingness to follow His prophets.<\/p>\n

You and I were reserved for this exact time on earth, and I am grateful for the blessings that come as we follow the direction of the Lord\u2019s living prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, and his Brethren in the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. You can trust the Lord\u2019s apostles. Love them. Sustain each one as a prophet, seer, and revelator. I promise you that great blessings will follow!<\/p>\n

President George Albert Smith taught:<\/p>\n

From father Adam until the present time,<\/i> [those] who have had the greatest joy and happiness in life have been those who have followed the teachings of the prophets of the Lord; those who have ignored them have paid the penalty in many cases by sorrow and destruction, missing the great blessings that our Father has placed within their reach.<\/i>1<\/sup><\/p>\n

Question: Are you and I missing any of the blessings that our Heavenly Father has placed within our reach? As President Smith taught, following the prophets of God is directly connected to receiving Heavenly Father\u2019s blessings. Shelley deeply desired to hear her father tell her that he loved her. She only received that particular blessing by doing exactly what an apostle had invited her to do.<\/p>\n

President Ezra Taft Benson taught, \u201cThe words of the prophets, particularly the living president of the Church, are crucial.\u201d2<\/sup><\/p>\n

Invitations and Promises in the Words of President Russell M. Nelson<\/b><\/h2>\n

Let\u2019s review what President Russell M. Nelson, the living president of the Church, has powerfully and clearly taught. We will begin with what he has taught about who you<\/i> are and what you were sent to earth to do:<\/p>\n