{"id":1823,"date":"2009-04-23T15:21:39","date_gmt":"2009-04-23T21:21:39","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/speeches-dev.byu.edu\/?p=1823"},"modified":"2021-03-15T10:46:45","modified_gmt":"2021-03-15T16:46:45","slug":"brand-of-distinction","status":"publish","type":"speech","link":"https:\/\/speeches-dev.byu.edu\/talks\/dee-t-allsop\/brand-of-distinction\/","title":{"rendered":"A Brand of Distinction"},"content":{"rendered":"

Today as we gather for commencement, we\u00a0come together with each of us wearing caps, gowns, hoods, and cords that signify different things. Someone with a trained eye can look at an individual\u2019s commencement regalia and tell whether that person holds a PhD, a master\u2019s degree, or a bachelor\u2019s degree; the university that granted it; and even the person\u2019s academic discipline.<\/p>\n

I\u2019ve always been fascinated by the way we seem to understand and sort out our world through the symbols, colors, and cues with which we surround ourselves. We each tell a story about ourselves by what we choose to wear, what we drive, what we buy, and what we do. Companies and products have become highly proficient in telling their stories through the brands they cultivate. A Nike swoosh, for example, automatically means something to each of us\u2014the positive attitude to \u201cjust do it.\u201d<\/p>\n

Rarely is it that anyone outside of a university will know the official mission or brand promise of the institution. This year, you and I and tens of thousands of others carried a short message to the world about what this place stands for. It was in the form of two words: \u201cThe Quest.\u201d While some people never could get past connecting the quest with the number of wins and losses on the football field, others who listened gained insight to what it means to be from BYU.<\/p>\n

The mission of Brigham Young University is \u201cto assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life<\/i>\u201d (The Mission of Brigham Young University<\/i> and The Aims of a BYU Education<\/i> [Provo: BYU, 1996], 1; emphasis added). That\u2019s a pretty hefty brand promise\u2014there\u2019s a little more to it than \u201chave it your way\u201d or \u201cjust do it\u201d and slogans from other popular brands in the world. But, make no mistake, that is the brand of distinction you carry forward with you today as you leave Brigham Young University to find your place in the world.<\/p>\n

Arthur Brooks<\/a>, the president of the American Enterprise Institute, was the speaker at the BYU forum<\/a> in February. He spoke about happiness, business success, and prosperity. Not a member of the Church, he quoted from the Book of Mormon and shared with us results of study after study demonstrating the causal link between providing volunteer service and financial giving that leads to happiness, leadership opportunities, business success, and prosperity. If you are interested in those kinds of things, you might want to look up his talk online.<\/p>\n

But for today, I\u2019d like to share his story about his \u201cmagic briefcase.\u201d As a guest lecturer at BYU a couple of years ago, he was given a briefcase as a gift by a professor here at BYU. It was a nice briefcase with the BYU logo on it. A few months later the handle on his own briefcase broke, and he began to use the BYU briefcase at work and when he was traveling. After a short while he realized people would notice the briefcase and would assume he was LDS. Realizing his actions would reflect upon the brand he was carrying, he began trying to live true to that brand. In his words, the magic briefcase<\/p>\n

was actually making my life better. I was happier; things were going really well for me as I was carrying it. And the reason is that the service for which Mormons have become justifiably famous was infecting my life. It was making me better. .\u00a0.\u00a0. And I thank you for that.<\/i> [Arthur C. Brooks, \u201cWhy Giving Matters,\u201d BYU forum address, 24\u00a0February 2009]<\/p>\n

The BYU brand is<\/i> justifiably famous. A big part of the reason is that its mission has nothing to do with BYU and everything to do with you and the kind of person it seeks to help you become\u2014a person \u201cof faith, intellect, and character who [has] the skills and the desire to continue learning and to serve others throughout their lives\u201d (Mission<\/i> and Aims,<\/i> 3). Today marks only the beginning or \u201ccommencement\u201d of your fulfilling the BYU mission or brand promise\u2014which is ultimately measured in the kind of person you will become.<\/p>\n

As graduates of Brigham Young University today, you join a great alumni family of men and women now more than 370,000 strong throughout the world who share this mission\u2014this mission that is now yours\u2014to \u201clet your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven\u201d (Matthew 5:16; see also 3\u00a0Nephi 12:16).<\/p>\n

At the Alumni Association, we believe the \u201clight\u201d we each hold as alumni can be magnified when we connect with others who share the Spirit of the Y. We are dedicated to cultivating the Spirit of the Y by keeping you informed and connected to the good works faculty and alumni are doing in the world and by providing opportunities for you to learn, volunteer, contribute, and serve with the students, programs, and activities of your alma mater\u2014keeping you \u201cConnected for Good.\u201d<\/p>\n

We feel so strongly about this idea of being connected for good that we have adopted it as the slogan of the Alumni Association. No longer students, we will remain connected as alumni with a shared commitment to go forth to do \u201cgood\u201d in a world that has now become our campus.<\/p>\n

As president of the Brigham Young University Alumni Association Board of Directors, I hereby confer on each of you lifetime membership in the Brigham Young University Alumni Association. Congratulations!<\/p>\n

I invite you to wear the BYU brand with distinction and honor. Let our brand promise continue to lift and inspire you. Find ways you can be connected for good and receive the blessings that come to those who continue to learn and serve others throughout their lives.<\/p>\n

May God bless you. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.<\/p>\n

\u00a9 Brigham Young University. All rights reserved.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"template":"","tags":[],"acf":[],"yoast_head":"\nA Brand of Distinction: "The Quest" - Dee Allsop - BYU Speeches<\/title>\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"As a BYU graduate, you carry a brand of distinction. That brand is encapsulated in the mission of this university to "assist individuals in the quest for perfection and eternal life." It is a brand worth protecting and honoring.\" \/>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/speeches-dev.byu.edu\/talks\/dee-t-allsop\/brand-of-distinction\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"A Brand of Distinction\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"As a BYU graduate, you carry a brand of distinction. 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