{"id":1392,"date":"2012-03-13T20:30:23","date_gmt":"2012-03-14T02:30:23","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/speeches-dev.byu.edu\/?p=1392"},"modified":"2021-03-15T10:46:22","modified_gmt":"2021-03-15T16:46:22","slug":"the-courage-to-choose-wisely","status":"publish","type":"speech","link":"https:\/\/speeches-dev.byu.edu\/talks\/stanley-g-ellis\/the-courage-to-choose-wisely\/","title":{"rendered":"The Courage to Choose Wisely"},"content":{"rendered":"

On the wall of my office in Salt Lake is a copy of the Minerva Teichert painting of Queen Esther. You will remember she was the king of Persia\u2019s Jewish queen who was charged to save her people from Haman\u2019s slaughter. The problem was that the only way to save her people was for her to personally approach the king without an invitation\u2014a capital crime! (See Esther 4:11.) After soliciting the fasting, faith, and prayers of the Jewish people in her behalf, she left to approach the king, saying, \u201cIf\u00a0I perish, I\u00a0perish\u201d (Esther 4:16).<\/p>\n

The Teichert painting reminds me of how essential courage is in all we do. I love C. S. Lewis\u2019 statement that \u201ccourage is not simply\u00a0one<\/i>of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. .\u00a0.\u00a0. Pilate was merciful till it became risky\u201d (The Screwtape Letters<\/i>[1941], letter 29, paragraph 6; emphasis in original).<\/p>\n

Today I would like to discuss two parts of\u00a0our lives in which we especially need courage\u2014one in which things are certain and the other in which they are uncertain. As Rex E. Lee would say, \u201cLet\u2019s consider the second one first and the first one second.\u201d So let\u2019s consider some of the uncertainties of life.<\/p>\n


In Moses 1 we read of the amazing interview that God had with Moses. It had so much impact that when it was over, Moses collapsed. After many hours he regained his strength and made the memorable statement \u201cNow, for this cause I know that man is nothing,\u00a0which thing I never had supposed\u201d<\/i>\u00a0(Moses 1:10; emphasis added). According to that last phrase, \u201cwhich thing I never had supposed,\u201d Moses was surprised. Brothers and sisters, there are and will be surprises in life! There have been in mine, and there will be in yours.<\/p>\n

This point struck me several years ago when I realized that my wife and I have done several things we never intended to do! These things were never part of our plans\u2014short or long term. For example, we never planned to settle in Houston, Texas. I never intended to be a financial consultant or to start a business. We did not set out to have nine children. We never envisioned serving seven years in Brazil\u2014as mission president and then in the Area Presidency. As a matter of fact, it was a surprise to be called as a stake president, then a mission president, an Area Seventy, and especially a General Authority.<\/p>\n

On the other hand, we had firm plans that I would do the joint JD\/MBA program after graduation from college. I had been accepted to Harvard Business School to start that four-year program. The new J. Reuben Clark Law School at BYU was not even on the radar screen. But in the end I attended and graduated from BYU Law School! I have never done the JD\/MBA program.<\/p>\n

Once I was in the financial consulting business, I found it so flexible that my plan was to never retire but just slow down to an acceptable level. As it turned out, I retired at age fifty-nine. In that business I learned about the tax advantages of a mortgage. As a result, we decided never to pay off our house. But a few years ago, with the counsel of prophets reminding us, we asked the Lord for guidance, and He directed us to pay off the mortgage. We did it as quickly as possible.<\/p>\n

So how did all of this happen?<\/p>\n

Decision Points<\/b><\/i><\/h3>\n

Each time my wife and I came to a decision point, we would think it through, counsel together, and make a decision. Then we would pray to seek the Lord\u2019s confirmation. We always followed the promptings of the Spirit. If the Lord was silent, we would do what seemed best to us in light of what we already knew.<\/p>\n

On a daily basis we asked in our prayers for the Lord to guide and direct us. We emphasized, as did Jesus, not our will but Thine be done (see Luke 22:42). Sometimes direction would come when we didn\u2019t even realize we were at a decision point\u2014such as when we paid off our home mortgage.<\/p>\n

Our experiences have taught us over and over again that God knows best. For example, we succeeded in paying off that mortgage in 1998. It was on January 21, 1999, that President James E. Faust telephoned us in Houston with the call to be a mission president in Brazil. Because our home was debt free, we had the option to keep it while we served. We much prefer to do things the Lord\u2019s way.<\/p>\n

So, should we not even make plans?<\/p>\n

On the contrary. Instead we should continue to plan ahead for each aspect of our lives and work diligently to accomplish our goals\u2014but we shouldn\u2019t worry about the changes. Elder David A. Bednar said, \u201cHaving a career plan is important, but we should not become so wedded to the plan that we fail to recognize or ignore the hand of the Lord guiding us to the individualized learning opportunities He has prepared specifically for us\u201d (personal communication). With hindsight you may learn, as we have learned, that the Lord\u2019s changes are better.<\/p>\n

Unpack Your Bag<\/b><\/i><\/h3>\n

How do we live with uncertainty?<\/p>\n

Part of that question is, how do you handle the temporary stages of life? What if you are going to be here for only a year, two years, or a semester?<\/p>\n

For me the classic answer to this challenge is the Lord\u2019s counsel in Doctrine and Covenants 51. The Saints were coming into Kirtland, Ohio, from the eastern states, and Bishop Edward Partridge wanted to know how to handle the situation. Listen to verses 16\u00a0and\u00a017:<\/p>\n

And I consecrate unto them this land for a little season, until I, the Lord, shall provide for them otherwise, and command them to go hence;<\/i><\/p>\n

And the hour and the day is not given unto them, wherefore let them act upon this land as for years, and this shall turn unto them for their good.<\/i><\/p>\n

Think about that situation. The Lord told them plainly that they would be there for a short time and then He would send them somewhere else. But He gave them no indication how long it would be. My inclination would be to not even unpack the wagon! But the divine counsel was to act \u201cas for years.\u201d<\/p>\n

President Boyd K. Packer learned while in the military the blessings that come from unpacking your bag and settling down\u2014whether for days, months, or years. For him, it made the\u00a0difference between misery and happiness.<\/p>\n

Does that mean you should buy a house if you are going somewhere for a one-year master\u2019s program? Not necessarily.<\/p>\n

To me the Lord is telling us to\u00a0be<\/i>\u00a0where we are. Have an\u00a0attitude<\/i>\u00a0of \u201cas for years.\u201d Accept a calling, make friends, get to know the area\u2014be there until you are not. Even here at the Y, if you will only be in your ward this semester, unpack your bag and act \u201cas for years.\u201d<\/p>\n

The alternative attitude of a transient is not good. We are only here for a little while, so we won\u2019t make friends or we can\u2019t accept a calling or we shouldn\u2019t settle in. That attitude of being a \u201cfloater\u201d will rob you and your family of much joy and satisfaction and that ward or community of the many contributions you could make.<\/p>\n


Now, what about things that are certain?<\/p>\n

One of the most certain things in the gospel of Jesus Christ is that we will one day die and there will be a final judgment. We don\u2019t talk much about the Judgment Day, but it will happen.<\/p>\n

Judgment Day<\/b><\/i><\/h3>\n

What do we know about the final judgment? It will occur after the Resurrection. God, through Jesus Christ, will judge each one of us to determine which eternal glory we will receive. This final judgment will be based on our receiving ordinances, keeping the associated covenants, and obeying the commandments of God, and central to all is our acceptance of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ (see Guide to the Scriptures, s.v. \u201cJudgment, the Last,\u201d scriptures.lds.org).<\/p>\n

The scriptures clarify many other things as well: \u201cWe shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ\u201d (Romans 14:10). \u201cThere is none to escape\u201d (D&C 1:2). We will be brought to judgment for all our doings (see 1 Nephi 10:20). Specifically, that includes our works (see\u00a0Mosiah 3:24), our words (see Matthew 12:36\u201337), our sins (see D&C 101:78), our thoughts (see Alma 12:14), and even the intents and desires of our hearts (see Moroni 7:9; D&C 137:9). It is important to remember that only He \u201cknowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart\u201d (D&C 6:16). Also, for each of us an account of our stewardship will be required (see D&C 70:4). It will be \u201ca righteous judgment\u201d (Mosiah 3:10)\u2014to the point that each will agree that His judgment is just (see Mosiah 27:31).<\/p>\n

For the worthy and righteous it will be a \u201cglorious day\u201d (2 Nephi 9:46). \u201c[They] may have boldness in the day of judgment\u201d (1 John 4:17) because the guiltless have the promise to dwell in the presence of God in a state of happiness that will have no end (see Mormon 7:7).<\/p>\n

The wicked will find it a terrible one\u2014even a \u201cgreat and terrible\u201d day (2 Nephi 26:3). Their evil plans and designs will \u201cturn to their shame and condemnation in the day of judgment\u201d (D&C 10:23). As an example, when Alma the Younger recognized his unworthy state, he suffered the pains of hell and would have preferred annihilation to having to stand before God to be judged (see Alma 36:11\u201316).<\/p>\n

We Judge Ourselves<\/b><\/i><\/h3>\n

We also learn from the scriptures that in many respects we judge ourselves. First, we do this by what we choose. Alma explained that \u201cevery man receiveth wages of him whom he listeth to obey\u201d (Alma 3:27), \u201cwhether they were good or whether they were bad, to reap eternal happiness or eternal misery\u201d (Alma 3:26). Nephi clarified that those who \u201chave sought to do wickedly .\u00a0.\u00a0. are found unclean,\u201d and since \u201cno unclean thing can dwell with God,\u201d they are \u201ccast off forever\u201d (1 Nephi 10:21).<\/p>\n

Secondly, we judge ourselves by the standard we use in our dealings with others. The Savior taught, \u201cFor with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged\u201d (Matthew 7:2; 3\u00a0Nephi 14:2).<\/p>\n

One way we can add to our grief is to not magnify our callings. President Thomas S. Monson quoted President John Taylor as saying: \u201cIf you do not magnify your callings, God will hold you responsible for those whom you might have saved had you done your duty\u201d (JD<\/i>\u00a020:23; quoted in Monson, \u201cA New Spirit Will I Put Within You,\u201d\u00a0Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting,<\/i>\u00a021 June 2003 [Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2003], 20). President Henry B. Eyring warned that \u201cif we fail to do all we can to see that [the people] rise to the Lord\u2019s standards, their sorrows will come upon us\u201d (\u201cStandards of Worthiness,\u201d\u00a0First Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting,<\/i>\u00a011 January 2003 [Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2003], 13).<\/p>\n

All Truth Revealed<\/b><\/i><\/h3>\n

One of the saddest groups at the final judgment will be that of those who have believed Satan\u2019s lie that \u201cno one will ever know.\u201d The truth is that \u201cthere is nothing which is secret save it shall be revealed; there is no work of darkness save it shall be made manifest in the light\u201d (2 Nephi 30:17). \u201cThere is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known\u201d (Matthew 10:26). \u201cWhatsoever [is] spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that .\u00a0.\u00a0. spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops\u201d (Luke 12:3). \u201cThe rebellious shall be pierced with much sorrow; for their iniquities shall be spoken upon the housetops, and their secret acts shall be revealed\u201d (D&C 1:3).<\/p>\n

How foolish are those who think they are safe because they have lied to the bishop or fooled the stake president or deceived the mission president. Elder Quentin L. Cook recently warned us of a variation of this trap called the \u201cmask of anonymity\u201d (\u201cWhat E\u2019re Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part,\u201d CES devotional address, 4\u00a0March 2012). When we think we are hidden in the crowds or behind a nameless presence on the Web, we think no one will ever know, and we are led to do things totally out of character. The truth is, we know and God knows. It will be so much better for those who fully repent now with the help of a loving priesthood leader than for those who suffer the public humiliation of the truth being broadcast on Judgment Day with the accompanying wrath of a just God.<\/p>\n

Alma asked a very important question of all of us: \u201cCan ye imagine yourselves brought before the tribunal of God?\u201d (Alma 5:18; see verses 17\u201325).<\/p>\n

Jacob reminded us that there \u201cwe shall have a perfect knowledge of all our guilt [or] a perfect knowledge of [our] righteousness\u201d (2\u00a0Nephi 9:14).<\/p>\n

Good News<\/b><\/i><\/h3>\n

The good news is that the Judgment Day is not here yet. There is still time to prepare to meet God!<\/p>\n

Jacob wisely counseled us to \u201cprepare [our] souls for that glorious day when justice shall be administered unto the righteous\u201d (2 Nephi 9:46).<\/p>\n

The first step of preparation is to completely repent\u2014now. One of the Savior\u2019s commandments is to \u201crepent .\u00a0.\u00a0. and come unto me .\u00a0.\u00a0. that ye may stand spotless before me at the last day\u201d (3 Nephi 27:20). Anytime we read\u00a0spotless<\/i>\u00a0in the scriptures, it is a reminder of what the Lord desires most: our eternal life. We must be spotless at the Judgment Day to receive that reward. The Lord has counseled that it is much better to repent and prepare now for the great day of the Lord than it will be when that day is come (see D&C 43:20\u201322). Jacob promised that if we \u201crepent .\u00a0.\u00a0. and enter in at the strait gate, and continue in the way [we] shall obtain eternal life\u201d (Jacob 6:11). As King Benjamin taught, let us put off the natural man and become a Saint through the Atonement of Christ (see Mosiah 3:19). Wickedness never was, nor ever will be, happiness (see Alma 41:10). President Gordon B. Hinckley said, \u201cThere is a better way than the way of the world\u201d (\u201cStanding Strong and Immovable,\u201d\u00a0Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting: The Priesthood and the Auxiliaries of the Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary,<\/i>\u00a010 January 2004 [Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2004], 20).<\/p>\n

Choose to be good and to do good (see D&C 6:13). Cease trying \u201cto cover [y]our sins\u201d (D&C 121:37). Choose to school your feelings (see Alma 39:9). Choose life, not death; good, not evil (see Helaman 14:31; see also Moroni 7:12\u201316).<\/p>\n

Free Forever<\/b><\/i><\/h3>\n

Lehi, in his final words to his family, summarized all of this in these words:<\/p>\n

And the Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the\u00a0fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the law at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given.<\/i><\/p>\n

Wherefore, men are free .\u00a0.\u00a0. to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil.<\/i>\u00a0[2 Nephi 2:26\u201327]<\/p>\n

That same Alma who suffered the pains of hell for his guilt said, \u201cThere could be nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains. .\u00a0.\u00a0. On the other hand [after repentance], there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy\u201d (Alma 36:21). Let us prepare now.<\/p>\n

How should we deal with these certainties, such as that of a final judgment?<\/p>\n

Learn the Truth<\/b><\/i><\/h3>\n

Make the effort to study and learn the truth. Then have the courage to accept it and to live accordingly. Satan will sow seeds of doubt and even generate outright lies. He is the one who told Eve, \u201cPartake of the forbidden fruit, and ye shall not die\u201d (2 Nephi 2:18). He authored the lie described by Nephi in his writings that God will \u201cjustify in committing a little sin\u201d (2 Nephi 28:8). Have the courage to claim the promise that \u201cby the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things\u201d (Moroni 10:5).<\/p>\n

Common Denominator<\/b><\/h2>\n

So what is the common denominator in handling certainty and uncertainty?<\/p>\n

Having the courage to choose wisely!<\/b><\/i><\/h3>\n

Many centuries ago, Esau, the older son of Isaac, came back from a day of hunting both tired and hungry. His younger twin brother Jacob had made some savory pottage\u2014a thick soup or stew. Esau wanted the stew. Jacob agreed,\u00a0if<\/i>\u00a0Esau would sell him his birthright. Esau felt he was so hungry he could die, saying, \u201cWhat profit shall this birthright do to me?\u201d (Genesis 25:32). He sold his birthright to Jacob. The scriptures say, \u201cThus Esau despised his birthright\u201d (Genesis 25:34; see also verses 29\u201333).<\/p>\n

What was the birthright?<\/p>\n

The Bible Dictionary tells us it was \u201cthe right or inheritance of the firstborn under the patriarchal order\u201d (Bible Dictionary, s.v. \u201cbirthright,\u201d 625). The spiritual part was the authority to preside and give leadership to the family. The temporal part involved the firstborn receiving \u201ca double portion of his father\u2019s possessions\u201d (Bible Dictionary, s.v. \u201cfirstborn,\u201d 675).<\/p>\n

Esau\u2019s selling his birthright for a bowl of stew or a \u201cmess of pottage\u201d (Genesis 25, section summary) qualifies as the epitome of a bad deal. He chose poorly!<\/p>\n

Poor choices are all around us today as well. Some have chosen pornography and lost their temple marriage and family. Others have chosen not to go on a mission or not to marry in the temple. On a daily basis we are sometimes too tired to pray, too busy to study the scriptures, or not interested in going to church this Sunday, or we rationalize that we can go to the temple anytime\u2014it is so close! Brothers and sisters, pottage by any other name is still pottage!<\/p>\n

The Savior asked two sobering questions recorded in Matthew: \u201cFor what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?\u201d (Matthew 16:26). Our choosing wisely can have eternal consequences.<\/p>\n

Our Heavenly Father, who knows us and loves us, gave us our agency: \u201cthe ability and\u00a0privilege .\u00a0.\u00a0. to choose and to act for [ourselves]\u201d (Guide to the Scriptures, s.v. \u201cagency,\u201d scriptures.lds.org). He declared to Enoch, \u201cIn the Garden of Eden, gave I unto man his agency\u201d (Moses 7:32).<\/p>\n

Some call this free agency, but there is nothing free about it! The Lord explained to Moses that \u201cSatan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy the agency of man\u201d (Moses 4:3). The effort to preserve our agency cost the Father a third of His children (see D&C 29:36).<\/p>\n

Choosing wisely is a critical part of His plan of happiness and an integral part of the test of our earth life. God\u2019s direction to Enoch was to say to the people, \u201cChoose ye this day, to serve the Lord God who made you\u201d (Moses 6:33). He really does know best. Elijah put it this way: \u201cHow long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him\u201d (1\u00a0Kings 18:21).<\/p>\n

May we follow Him through the uncertainties in life and in preparing for the certainties that surely will come.<\/p>\n

May we have the courage to choose wisely. It is a leap of courage and of faith. But I am a witness that it is worth it! I am a witness of these things, and I am also a witness of our Heavenly Father, who knows us and loves us. I am a witness of our Savior Jesus Christ, who showed us the way through His great example and who atoned to give us these opportunities to prepare and to improve and to be better. I am a witness of the Holy Ghost, who will guide and direct us as we seek for the Lord\u2019s counsel and guidance in our lives that we may choose wisely. I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.<\/p>\n

\u00a9 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.<\/i><\/p>\n","protected":false},"template":"","tags":[],"acf":[],"yoast_head":"\nThe Courage to Choose Wisely - Stanley G. Ellis - BYU Speeches<\/title>\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"We need courage to choose wisely in the certainties and uncertainties of life. Make decisions and seek the Lord\u2019s confirmation.\" \/>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/speeches-dev.byu.edu\/talks\/stanley-g-ellis\/the-courage-to-choose-wisely\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"The Courage to Choose Wisely\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"We need courage to choose wisely in the certainties and uncertainties of life. 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