“We Believe in Being Honest”
To embrace the light of Christ and be like Him, we must be honest in all our doings, including religious, online, and academic situations.
Light and Truth
Our quest in life is to seek the light and truth of Christ's gospel among the many distractions of the world.
BYU: Building a Community of Trust and Respect
How inspired professors and faithful fellow students can help BYU flourish through an atmosphere of respect and trust.
“The Ultimate Triumph of Truth”
In order to triumph over our modern problems, we need to be like Leonardo da Vinci and become life-long seekers of truth.
Embracing the Truth
Ashton Omdahl shares truths he has experienced at BYU and how embracing the truth and allowing it to change us can prepare us for bigger and better things.
The Pursuit of All Truth
In a world that has been described as "post-truth," this message declares that truth does exist, it does matter, and we can discern it.
Become a Seeker: The Way, the Truth, and the Life
To learn truth: become a seeker—do not fear questions; love and respect all; and learn and share the principles for knowing truth.
Faith and Reason: The Appropriation of Knowledge and Truth
Robert P. George stresses the need for both faith and reason in universities, in the creation, preservation, transmission, and appropriation of knowledge.
Weaknesses Into Strength in Our Search for Knowledge
The companionship of the Holy Ghost is essential in our quest for knowledge.
“The Assurance of Things Hoped For”
Through revelation, we can receive a high degree of assurance of things hoped for.
The Truth of All Things
As impressive as modern technology is, a celestial communication network is infinitely more pure and capable than man's smartest technology.
What Is Truth?
The thing about truth is that it exists beyond belief. It is true even if nobody believes it. It is our obligation to seek truth.
Truths Most Worth Knowing
Elder Boyd K. Packer shares some of the basic, eternal truths of the gospel that will protect us and bring us true happiness and peace.
Truth and Tolerance
Mutual respect and tolerance for others while maintaining commitment to gospel truth will bring all of us closer to Christ.
Seekers of Truth
Education Week reminds us of the charge for all to become seekers of truth. We do this by learning from the best books.
Light, Truth, and Grace: Three Interrelated Principles Necessary for Exaltation
What is the relationship between light, truth, and grace? Richard Draper teaches how they're related in a scriptural context.
Just in Case Someone Asks, I Will Be Ready
We want to be ready when the Lord asks—for He will ask. He said to John the Revelator, “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.” The Lord is so gracious.
Counterfeits: A Mess of Pottage
We all have divine gifts we can use to bless others. Avoid the temptation to throw away your artistic birthright for earthly counterfeits.
Precious Precepts of Truth
God gives us truths “line upon line, precept upon precept” so that we can abide in Him and accept the invitation to come unto Christ.
If you really understood that truth, you would sacrifice anything—everything—to achieve it. Understanding this truth is central to your purpose for being on the planet.
Learning in the Light of Truth
The properties of physical light teach us about spiritual light and truth. By working toward the objectives of BYU, we can bring more light to the world.
A Life Founded in Light and Truth
The simple principles of agency, opposition, and obedience can help us teach our youth and fill our lives, and theirs, with ever-growing light and truth.
Faith, Reason, Knowledge, and Truth
The gospel of Jesus Christ redefines faith, reason, knowledge, and truth and helps us avoid worldly issues.
Powerful Truths That Make a Difference in Our Lives
The revolutionary and powerful truths revealed by the Prophet Joseph Smith can change the world—and, if we are true to them, each one of us.
What We Believe
Robert L. Millet shares his experiences answering the most common, but often most difficult questions on what Latter-day Saints believe.
The Education of the Heart
We receive the most powerful education when we seek to answer the questions of our hearts, diligently taking both our efforts and answers to the Lord.
Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge
The Lord will help us to acquire spiritual knowledge and revelation if we seek to understand, value, use, remember, and expand it.
Going Home
We are on a journey, going home. We must search for truth and seek the companionship of the Holy Ghost to guide this journey.
Truth . . . and More
The gospel of Jesus Christ offers light and truth, answers to our most pressing questions. Truth, however, is only one of many blessings of the gospel.
Discovering Truth
No matter how much the world changes, we can succeed in discovering truth—in both secular and spiritual matters—if we are willing to work for it.
The Proper Equipment
To gain learning and understanding, we must use the proper equipment. Both rational thought and spiritual revelation are necessary for our progression.
The Light of Truth
“On my honor” is the rule by which every Latter-day Saint must govern their life. Living with honor brings the light of truth into our lives.
The Seven Deadly Heresies
Widely-circulated heresies can act as stumbling blocks for LDS church members. Seek out a knowledge of true doctrine, and live by it.
God’s Simple Eternal Truth
The simple eternal truth of the gospel is that Jesus Christ is our Redeemer and has restored His Church to the earth to help us return to Him.
The True Value System
Only the Creator can establish a true value system and determine what is right and wrong. Our job is to live by His principles to obtain His blessings.
Absolute Truth
President Kimball teaches that absolute truth exists and testifies of some truths, such as the Atonement, the Apostasy, and the Restoration.
Truth and Knowledge
At the dedication of the enlarged Harold B. Lee library, President Marion G. Romney shares insights about the importance of knowledge and truth.
The Pursuit of Truth
John H. Vandenberg issues a reminder that in the pursuit of truth, men and women must rely on God, who is the source of all knowledge.
The Search for Truth
No experience compares to searching for the truth. We can come to know of the truth of the gospel by faithfully experimenting upon the words of Christ.
How to Write an Anti-Mormon Book
Learn how authors of anti-Mormon materials use specific strategies to convince readers of their trustworthiness, knowledge, and lack of bias.
A Foundation of Revealed Truth
We should build our testimonies and lives on the foundation of revealed truth that teaches us about the nature of God and His relationship to us.
Your Quest for Truth
In your quest for truth, drink from the fountains of both secular and spiritual learning, and remember that God is the source of all truth.
The Spirit that Leads to Truth
In our quest for answers, says Elder Richard L. Evans, let us not lose the patience to wait for the right ones from the Spirit that leads to truth.
Eternal Truth Will Guide Us
To Brigham Young University graduates, President David O. McKay speaks on how we can live a variety of eternal truths to improve our lives.
The Church University
Brigham Young University is the Church university, and it has an emphasis on God and the gospel over than any other truths.