Allowing Your Faith in Jesus Christ to Guide Your Life
Faith in Christ can guide our lives as we cultivate a relationship with God, rely on Him, remain hopeful, and spiritually prepare for trials.
Enduring and Trusting to the End
Estela Marquez shares her life story to show how enduring and trusting to the end enables us to overcome life's challenges.
Meekly Placing Our Total Trust in God
As we encounter challenges in life, yoking ourselves with and meekly placing our total trust in God will allow us to reap the rewards of a faithful life.
Choose to Trust the Lord
Everyone experiences trials and difficulties in life, but if we choose to trust in the Lord, He can see us through to the end.
Hard Sayings and Safe Spaces: Making Room for Struggle as Well as Faith
Eric D. Huntsman explains how "hard sayings," which can undeniably be a source of struggle in our lives, can also serve to deepen and strengthen our faith.
“Thy Troubles to Bless”
When adversity challenges your faith, remember that you can trust God, "thy troubles to bless." In His hands, trials can change us and teach us of His love.
“On Earth”
I invite you to join me in engaging in the conditions of uncertainty that are a divinely designed part of what it means to be on earth.
Hope As an Anchor of Our Souls
Alan R. Harker speaks about the power of hope as an anchor for our souls, especially in the times of our greatest suffering.
When Your Bow Breaks
Our bows will break and we’ll have trials. We can learn how to deal with these hard times by looking at Nephi’s example.
Dally Up: Finding Our Anchor in Turbulent Times
We can find power and strength in service, involvement, and commitment during turbulent times.
Stepping-Stones and Stumbling Blocks
Steven E. Snow speaks of the stepping stones and stumbling blocks in life and how we can either take advantage of them or fall over them.
Journey of the Soul, Anchors of the Heart
Professor Novilla shares that while it may seem the Lord is leading us in the wrong direction, He is often simply helping us grow through personal odysseys.
The Gardener of Gethsemane
While the future is scary and unknown to us, God knows exactly how things will work out. Overcoming adversity is possible when we have faith in His timing.
Strengthened by the Hand of the Lord
As we are strengthened by the hand of the Lord we will find the strength we need to make it through each and every one of our trials.
“Come, Let Us Anew Our Journey Pursue”
The Great Recession of 2009 brought about not only the need for an increased spirit of sacrifice, but for BYU it also brought about the exciting opportunity to decide anew its course of direction. The storms of life are only small roadblocks along the journey to greatness.
Dealing with Challenges
Jesse Aaron Egbert speaks to his fellow graduates about dealing with personal challenges. We each have the ability to overcome.
Going Forward with Faith During Difficult Times
The stories in this devotional will help motivate you to move forward with faith, even when life is difficult. When times seem tough, trust in God.
Temper Your Trials with Trust
We must learn to have trust in the Lord, in ourselves, and in others—and we must act so that we can earn the trust of others.
“When upon Life’s Billows”: Take a Friend
Beth Vaughan Cole teaches that friendship is one of the greatest blessings we can have. Friends provide comfort and counsel and help us feel loved.
The Power of Deliverance
God can offer us deliverance through the hardest of trials, including comfort in grief, strength in opposition, and escape from sin.
Lehi’s Dream and You
Just like in Lehi's dream, there will always be those who mock you for choosing different standards and goals. Don't let them ruin your commitment.
The Love of God: Suffering Tribulation in the Redeemer’s Name
Although suffering tribulation is a necessary part of life, it does not lessen God's love for us. In fact, trials are an opportunity to grow and learn.
“In the World Ye Shall Have Tribulation: But Be of Good Cheer; I Have Overcome the World”
Christ's commandment to "be of good cheer" often comes in the midst of adversity. No trial is more powerful than the peace of His grace.
“Joy Cometh in the Morning”
Joy and sorrow are twinborn: joy comes not from having a pain-free life but from conquering the obstacles, even when they are painful.
Vast and Intimate: The Atonement in the Heavens and in the Heart
The Atonement of Jesus Christ is vast enough to apply to the entirety of the universe and intimate enough to support us in our trials.
“Trust in the Lord with All Thine Heart”
Most everyone would trade away their challenging experiences, but as we trust God’s eternal perspective, we can see a purpose in those trials.
Strength in Adversity
As you pass through the trials of this life, remember that the Lord is eagerly standing by and waiting to provide you with strength in your adversities.
Come unto Christ Through Your Trials
Everyone experiences trials and tribulations in this life, but if we overcome them with faith and grace, we will draw closer to Christ and be refined.
Robert K. Conlee elaborates on endurance, a principle of the gospel of Christ. Endurance involves drawing closer to God in difficult times.
Our response to adversity shapes our character. Trials are temporary, but the blessings we can receive from them are permanent.
The Two Great Promises
The two great promises of the gospel are exaltation if we endure to the end and support in our trials if we trust the Lord.
After the “Y”— What Then?
BYU students must build a sure spiritual foundation so they can bravely and faithfully travel the right path after they leave the Y.
Find Beauty in the Storm
President and Sister Lee share how cancer taught them to find beauty in the storm. They learned to overcome and endure trials.
Fear Not, Little Flock
Financial worries, academic stress, and other struggles are inevitable for college students—we need not fear, because Christ is our Shepherd.
Crying with the Saints
Although the world's path may seem easier, the sanctifying and refining tears that come from a life of discipleship "give way to eternal tears of joy."
No Joy Without the Struggle
If we never experienced sadness, then we would never experience joy. Adversity is part of God's plan of happiness.
The Prince of Peace: “Peace I Give unto You”
When tragedy strikes, turn to God in faith—and to the people He has placed in your life. Through trust, service, and love, you will find lasting peace.
If Thou Endure Well
None of us can or will be immune from the trials of life. However, if we learn to endure our struggles well, they will be turned into blessings in eternity.
There Is Always Hope
No matter how complicated your trials, how dark your sins, or how overwhelming the challenges you face, in Christ there is always hope.
For Times of Trouble
Trouble will come, but discouragement doesn't have to. If we work now to prepare ourselves through patient and faithful discipleship, we will get through.
Joseph Smith Lecture 4: Joseph Smith and Trials
An account of Joseph Smith’s trials and the effects of the hardship on his family, his friends, his life, and his character.
The Blessings of Adversity
There is a necessary refining process in adversity which increases our understanding, enhances our sensitivity, and makes us more Christlike.
Taking up the Cross
The cross that we are each called to bear is unique and incomparable. The moment we choose to take it up is a defining moment in eternity.
But for a Small Moment
Because God loves us, He will deliver to each of us customized challenges that will last "but for a small moment" to help us grow and progress.
Acres of Diamonds
You have immense worth, and the Lord is laying up a marvelous treasure for you. Have patience, and you may find acres of diamonds right in your front yard.
Power from Abrahamic Tests
It is during our Abrahamic tests, our moments of excruciating trial, that we prove to ourselves how strong our conviction really is and receive our rewards.
Church Is a Cure-all for All Problems
We live in a troubled world, but the gospel has solutions to both temporal and spiritual problems—if we are humble enough to accept them.
Murmur Not
Marvin J. Ashton reminds us that murmuring leads to personal apostasy. While it may seem like fun or be easier to murmur, when we do, we turn away from God.
God Is the Gardener
God is the gardener of our lives. When we put our life in harmony with His will, we will be able to become what we are meant to be.
Safety in the Face of Danger
The Church faces danger from the world, but more danger from within. We need to be wary of false ideas, immorality, and other threats to our soul.
We Are Here to Be Tried, Tested, Proved
When viewed from the perspective of eternity, this life is only a brief moment. In that moment, we are being tried, tested, proved, and taught by our Father in Heaven. Will we be faithful to Him?
Get Your Own Testimony
There were times that God left the Savior to fight His own battles. Likewise, He will allow you to grow through the struggle of finding your own testimony.
Gospel Ideals: Life’s Surest Anchor
President David O. McKay speaks on how gospel ideals can act as an anchor to keep us steady during the rough storms of our lives.
The Story of My Life
Thomas L. Martin humorously describes the main events of his life and highlights how the hand of the Lord worked to help him reach all his righteous goals.