“Consider the Wondrous Works of God” (Job 37:14)
Participating in God's work helps us see that we are God's wondrous works, His work is for us, and we are dependent on Him for strength.
Time for the Savior at Christmas
By following the prophet's invitation to make time for the Savior daily, we can experience the special spirit of Christmastime year-round.
Thriving Spiritually
Through personal experiences, Dr. Matthew Wickman teaches what it means to thrive spiritually and how we can recognize if we are doing so.
How to Be Happy Now—and Forever
With the eternal perspective of the gospel as our guide in this life, we can learn how to be truly happy now—and forever.
The University and the Kingdom of God
Dr. Spencer Fluhman shares that in your learning effort, God is seeking you just as much as you seek Him. God is "fitting you for a world that needs you."
Spiritual Gifts
What are spiritual gifts? Why are they important? How can we develop them? Sister Worthen answers these questions and more in her devotional address.
Receiving Revelation
The process of receiving revelation requires familiarizing ourselves with the Spirit. As children of God, all are entitled to His help.
On Change and Becoming: Thoughts from a Reluctant Grower
Change is hard. But if we are willing, rather than reluctant, growers, God will give us experiences to be grateful for and help us become our best selves.
Empty Centers and the Fire of the Lord
Michelle Stott James speaks on the importance of cultivating spiritual perspective in order to kindle the rejuvenating fire of the Lord.
Spiritual Cataracts
Daily prayer, daily scripture study, and daily service are three important spiritual antioxidants that help guarantee we will retain our spiritual vision and have the Spirit to guide us in our day-to-day activities.
Sharing Insights from My Life
Neal A. Maxwell shares profound insights about such topics as regret and aspiration, divine blessings and human potential, and praise and criticism.
The commandments to "always remember Him" and to "pray always" are connected to promises will move us forward spiritually and bless us immeasurably.
One by One
The Savior performed the Atonement for each of us, one by one. We can develop an individual relationship with Him through prayer, study, and loving others.
Keeping Our Spiritual Wells Flowing
Each day we choose whether to replenish our spiritual wells by building our testimonies of Christ or draw from them until they become empty.
This year, make resolutions to develop as the Savior did—intellectually, physically, socially, and spiritually. It will take effort, but will be worth it.
Spiritual Checkups
We have many opportunities to conduct spiritual checkups on ourselves. Are we living up to the covenants we have made? Are our hearts pure?
“More, Savior, Like Thee”
Each year presents an opportunity to set goals to be our best. As we set goals, let's try a little harder to be “more, Savior, like Thee.”
The Soul’s Center
Sister Holland offers some advice for the modern woman who, exhausted by others' expectations, needs help find her inner self and rejuvenate her soul.
Spiritual Experience
Spiritual experiences are real, and commandments of the Lord are given so we can achieve spiritual progress.
Heighten Your Capacity
We are some of the noble spirits that God has preserved for the last days. How can we heighten our capacity to serve Him and give of ourselves?
There Is Always Hope
No matter how complicated your trials, how dark your sins, or how overwhelming the challenges you face, in Christ there is always hope.
The Whole Armor of God
By putting on the spiritual armor of God, we can protect ourselves from Satan's efforts to cut us off from the Holy Ghost and His divine influence.
Becoming Men and Women of Principle
Adrian Van Mondfrans explains how to become men and women of principle. There are gospel formulas we can follow to become better.
Spiritual Leprosy
Spiritual leprosy, like physical leprosy, can cause us to lose feeling. Yet, like physical illness, we can be healed through courage and the help of Christ.
The Business of Being
Everyone is involved in the same business: the business of being. To become the best disciples that we can be, we must increase in dedication to Christ.
The Powers within You
As we acquire new skills and hobbies, grow in intellect, and learn to unleash priesthood power in our homes, we can change our divine potential.
You Are a Proclamation
As you move through your mortal journey, you must issue a proclamation to those around you. Share and declare your beliefs with pride.
“I Need Thee Every Hour”
Elder Perry and members of his family witness how we need the Lord for our physical, social, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.
I Am a Saint if I Live Right
Calling ourselves Latter-day Saints should fill us with responsibility to act like a saint. God expects us to be noble representatives of His cause.
Footprints on the Sands of Time
Joseph Anderson shares insights from those who have greatly influenced his life, especially Church leaders who have left their footprints on many hearts.
Education for Eternity
A BYU education is for more than just the intellectual growth that can be fostered in other institutions. It is also meant to educate the soul.
Four Cornerstones upon Which to Build Greatness
We build greatness are faith, education, industry, and cooperation. John A. Widtsoe explains that each cornerstone must be understood through a gospel lens.