“Won’t You Be My Neighbor?”
When you love your neighbor as yourself, despite your own biases and prejudices, we can build the kingdom of God on the earth.
Tenacious Faith and Selfless Service
If we show tenacious faith and are prepared to lose ourselves in service, our Father in Heaven will prepare the way for us to accomplish all that He asks of us. I pray that we can be instruments in our Father in Heaven’s hands in doing His will and that we will find great and eternal joy in His service.
The Power of One: Selfless Service
Even one person can make a difference when they choose to serve, as the Savior has shown us through His own selfless service.
The Lord’s Goods
The Lord has given talents or "goods" to each of us, which we can use to bless those around us and in turn become more like Him.
Love—A Manifestation from God
Love is truly is the most gentle and powerful force in the world. We have been given the key to loving and respecting differences.
Honest, Simple, Solid, True
Being self-centered and self-absorbed is the absolute antithesis of being honest, simple, solid, and true.
Almost all of the problems in our lives, our families, and our communities could be solved if we would simply replace our selfishness with selflessness. With selflessness we demonstrate our true relationship and intimacy with the Savior. It is the link that binds together the family of God.
“Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall”: A Look at the “Me Decade”
Our greatest fulfillment and joy, the focus of each new decade, is not to be found in the mirror. It is found by losing ourselves in service to others.
Forget Yourself
People are happier when they lose themselves in the service of others. Forget yourself and reach out. You will be happier when you do.