His Sheep Still Hear His Voice
Mark L. Pace explains how Christ's sheep still hear His voice by the power of the Holy Ghost. Daily gospel habits help us create change.
“Lay Hold upon the Word”: The Power of Wholehearted Living
When we truly lay hold upon the word of God, believing it and committing to it, we open ourselves up to the life-changing power He has in store for us.
Finding Your Way
We can safely travel life’s journey by relying on the maps of the scriptures and the words of the living prophets and the compass of the Holy Ghost. God’s plan and desire is that we all successfully reach our destination.
“True Doctrine, Understood, Changes Attitudes and Behavior”
Studying the scriptures daily, listening to the words of Christ, and driving darkness from our lives are ways to understand true doctrine.
Building upon the Rock
Elder Jay E. Jensen demonstrates the importance of building upon the rock of Jesus Christ by anchoring ourselves in His word.
Using Spiritual Maps to Navigate Through Life
Mary Anne Prater shows how spiritual maps help us navigate life, and also how we can relate the counsel given to Emma Smith to ourselves.
A Reservoir of Living Water
The scriptures are like living water, nourishing and sustaining. To drink deeply, we must study the scriptures and search for connections daily.
Scriptures—More Precious Than Gold and Sweeter Than Honey
Feasting on the scriptures, says Susan W. Tanner, is how we fill our lives with the Lord's words that are "more precious than gold and sweeter than honey."
Our Spiritual and Temporal Foundation: Scriptures and Revelation
Revelation is how we at BYU combine spiritual and secular knowledge. We can positively impact the world as we create a spiritual and temporal foundation.
The Scriptures and the Restoration
Anciently and through the Restoration, God has given us indispensable revelation. He promises immense blessings if we study the scriptures.
How Knoweth This Man Letters
The scriptures were central in Jesus' early learning and growth. They are also essential in our lives, helping us to understand Christ and His mission.
Likening the Scriptures unto Us
Drawing parallels between our day and Book of Mormon times allows us to see how to fortify ourselves against the trials of our time.
The Stick of Joseph and the Stick of Judah
Bruce L. Brown shares insights that demonstrate the importance of studying and appreciating the prophecies in the Bible, or the "stick of Judah."
Using the Scriptures
It is not enough to be casually reading the scriptures; we need to be using the scriptures to learn the gospel thoroughly and learn how to live it.
A Man Must Be Called of God
The scriptures teach that prophets and apostles, called by God, are the foundation of the Church, with Christ as the chief cornerstone.
Companions from the Scriptures
Seriously, this is a fireside? As I commence this assignment, I do not see the fire, but I feel the heat. I am grateful to be here; I am thankful to be one of you, a fellow student with you. I regard myself as a lifetime student and have a very fond affection for this campus and this school although I was never a student here. Many years ago there…
“If Thou Wilt Be Perfect, . . . Come and Follow Me”
Constant study of the gospel will help you in developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to be guided by the Spirit in following the Savior.
Search the Scriptures
As we search the scriptures, we will hear the Savior's voice. The word of the Lord has the power to touch our hearts and to change us.
Who Shall Declare His Generation?
Elder McConkie offers his testimony of Christ's divine parentage. We, too, can testify of his identity as the Son of God; we can "declare his generation."
Critical Opinion of the Pearl of Great Price
Professor Hugh Nibley discusses Egyptology and other subjects concerning the secular study of the origins of the Pearl of Great Price.
Value of the Scriptures
The scriptures are our best tool in defending truth and in changing the hearts and behavior of men. Don't neglect the treasures of knowledge found in them.
Rediscovery of the Apocrypha, Part 1
Hugh Nibley draws parallels between language and traditions found in the Apocrypha to the culture of the people in the Book of Mormon.
Rediscovery of the Apocrypha, Part 2
In the second half of his lecture, Hugh Nibley compares the linguistics and culture of the Book of Mormon to that found in the Apocrypha.
Your Articles of Faith
Take a moment to reflect on your life, your strengths and your weaknesses. What does your life say about your personal articles of faith?
Follow the Path of Prayer
The scriptures give us a guide to meaningful prayer. Sincere, reverent communion with God, with a willingness to accede to His will, is always answered.