Words to Live By
The original meaning of "awful" is more closely related to "awe" - gratitude, reverence, and respect. Be "awful." Let the experience of awe change you.
Living a Reverent Life
Donald L. Hallstrom teaches that a reverent life is one of profound love and respect for Deity, demonstrated in public, family, and personal worship.
Renewing Reverence
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A Sense of the Sacred
D. Todd Christofferson asks us to consider how we treat sacred things. We can show reverence for sacred places, callings, and our bodies.
Reverence: The Act of Showing Respect
I believe that if we will approach all our meetings with a desire to become one with the Holy Spirit, our feelings of the Spirit will dictate our actions, and without prior thought or instruction we will act and speak accordingly.
The Human Soul’s Quest for God
Rabbi Harold S. Kushner describes gifts of faith cultivated on the human soul's quest for God. Inspiration and guidance come to those who follow Him.
How Do We Teach Reverence?
As parents, teachers, and leaders, let us teach our children and our congregations to be reverent during sacred meetings and ordinances.