Lifelong Conversion
Dale G. Renlund explains that lifelong conversion comes through determination to repeat the elements of the doctrine of Christ.
Five Messages That All of God’s Children Need to Hear
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf imparts hope, strength, and joy by sharing five messages he believes all of God’s children need to hear.
A More Wonderful World
Elder Kearon teaches that with the love of our Heavenly Father and our God-given talents, we can establish a more wonderful world.
The Rock of Our Redeemer
Jesus Christ is our rock, our sure foundation. If we build on Him, no matter the shafts in the whirlwind, we cannot fail.
Of Starfish and Destinies
Our thoughts determine our destinies. We must keep our thoughts clean and pure so that over time they lead us to eternal life.
“Walk in Newness of Life”
In the scriptures, ordinary people use the Atonement to "walk in newness of life." Their examples prove it is never too late to change.
The Miracle of Repentance
Whatever has gone wrong in our lives that has tainted or darkened our souls can be erased and purified by the power of sincere repentance.
The Miracle of Forgiveness
Michael L. Dunn speaks on the miracle of forgiveness that is reached through the atonement of Jesus Christ.
Line upon Line: Finding Joy in Progress
When we fall short, we must learn to distinguish where we are from who we are. As children of a loving God, repentance and progress are always available.
A Disposition to Do Good Continually
One of the fruits of sincere repentance is that it changes our very nature. Let us strive for purity of heart and a disposition to do good continually.
Repentance: The Key to Eternal Progression
In this talk, W. Gibb Dyer Jr. discusses the importance of repentance and its fundamental purpose and function within our lives.
Repentance: A Mighty Change of Heart
Repentance is the cure for a heart made sick through sin. It can be a difficult and even lengthy process, but is always worth the sweet spiritual reward.
Psychology and Repentance
Repentance requires us to implement three parts: self-confrontation, self-control, and self-sacrifice so we can become better people.
“Out of Small Things Proceedeth That Which Is Great”
Contrary to how most of the world works, the Lord manages to turn seemingly insignificant and small things into great miracles.
Come unto Christ
If we come unto Christ, His Atonement will make us clean and spotless. We can go home to live with God again, our deepest desire.
The Meaning of Repentance
Repentance includes admitting, reconciling, and forsaking the sin. While not easy, it's possible through the atonement of our loving Savior.
As a Man Thinketh
We reap what we sow, especially when we are attempting to cultivate the Savior's example in our own lives. As we focus on Him, we'll harvest joy.
There Is Always Hope
No matter how complicated your trials, how dark your sins, or how overwhelming the challenges you face, in Christ there is always hope.
A Robe, a Ring, and a Fatted Calf
The story of the prodigal son testifies that no matter how mild or how severe our sins, there is always a way back to light, peace, and eternal life.
The gift of agency is central to the Plan of Salvation. Using our agency to follow God's commandments gives us true independence and power over our destiny.
For Times of Trouble
Trouble will come, but discouragement doesn't have to. If we work now to prepare ourselves through patient and faithful discipleship, we will get through.
Borne upon Eagles’ Wings
Through repentance, we can escape the bondage of sin and be borne on eagles' wings to eternal freedom and gain mercy from the Lord.
Cast Your Burden upon the Lord
Repentance is the means whereby we can cast our burden of guilt and inadequacy upon the Lord and be forgiven for what we have done wrong.
How to Get Your Own Plan of Salvation
Though the plan of salvation is universal, it is also extremely personal. Each of us must follow our own path of repentance, covenant-making, and obedience.
The Responsibility of Our Heritage
Our heritage as members of the Church is one of inspiring faith. We have a responsibility to that legacy which admonishes us to be humble and to repent.
Essentials of Faith
Reverence for the Savior's atoning sacrifice, faith in His power to forgive and to save, and a testimony of repentance are essential to faith in the gospel.
Spelling Repentance with Seven Big R’s
In this talk, William J. Critchlow offers a seven-step process for spelling repentance and coming to a state of true change.
The Atonement of Jesus Christ
The atonement of Jesus Christ saves us from the effects of the Fall and from our own transgressions. Understanding it gives us hope to repent and improve.
True repentance, says Elder Antoine R. Ivins, involves a change of mind and heart and a commitment to action. It must also include a willingness to forgive.