Healing Racism Through Jesus Christ
Ryan Gabriel explains how following Jesus Christ can help the United States begin healing from racism and can eventually change the world.
Wrestling with Comparisons
Life is not a race. Treating it as so will stunt our spiritual growth. The only comparisons that we need to make are those with our past self.
“College Song”
Rather than following the worldly motivation, we ought to heed call of BYU's “College Song”: "the head, the heart, the hand united must be true."
The Pride Cycle
Recognize that God is the source of every blessing you receive. Treasure His counsel. Your gratitude will guide your escape from the pride cycle.
Putting Off the Natural Man and Becoming Saints
By learning to overcome pride and submit our will to God's, we let go of the natural man and become free to discover our true, eternal selves.
“Are Ye Stripped of Pride?”
Beware the dangerous universal sin of pride that can come in adversity or prosperity. Our heart must be full of the Spirit and not set upon worldly things.
Lessons of Pride and Glory from the Doctrine and Covenants
We will look closely at a few passages from the Doctrine and Covenants that point to a more important and eternal significance of glory.
Carry Your Cross
Marvin J. Ashton's message is take up your cross. Take yourself the way you are and lift yourself in the direction of the better.
“Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall”: A Look at the “Me Decade”
Our greatest fulfillment and joy, the focus of each new decade, is not to be found in the mirror. It is found by losing ourselves in service to others.
A Disease Called Pride
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