Comfort in Christ
Life can be uncomfortable, but prayer, service, and temple attendance can help us find true comfort in the Savior.
His Sheep Still Hear His Voice
Mark L. Pace explains how Christ's sheep still hear His voice by the power of the Holy Ghost. Daily gospel habits help us create change.
Ask of God: Our Solace, Guide, and Stay
Sister Bonnie H. Cordon uses stories to illustrate the power of prayer. Though prayer requires work, as we ask of God, He answers our prayers.
“The Undiscover’d Country”: Navigating Toward the Future
Professor Chris Crowe uses experiences from his own life to teach that prayer is our key to navigating toward the future.
“Did You Think to Pray?”
Prayer is a sacred gift. When we ask ourselves, "Did you think to pray?" we ought to reflect on the sincerity and power of our communication with God.
On a Film and a Prayer: The Stories of Our Lives
When he discovered the power of stories, Michael Flaherty used his love of teaching and of God to build a film company devoted to spreading good.
Earnest Prayer
Marilyn W. Berrett teaches that through earnest prayer we can access the powers of heaven and commune with our Heavenly Father.
Prayer is a tool for comfort, peace, guidance, testimony, and forgiveness. How are you using prayer to access the powers of heaven?
Finding Answers
We can find answers through seeking the Holy Ghost, asking the right questions, and knowing how to proceed when we don't receive answers.
He Stands at the Door and Knocks
"In our communion with God we must ever be careful not just to talk but to listen. We must listen for His Spirit to guide and teach us."
Improving Our Prayers
We can develop a closer relationship with God by improving our prayers. All we must do is come before Him with a broken heart and contrite spirit.
Stones in the Wall
When we sin, we build a wall of stones around us, making it difficult to hear spiritual impressions. As we remove the stones, we gain guidance from God.
He Hears and Answers
God hears and answers prayers. As we strengthen our relationship with God, we will pray more naturally and more easily submit to God's will.
“Know He Is There”
Sometimes, when we pray and cry out to our Heavenly Father, answers do not come easily or as expected—but He reminds us that He is there for us.
“Seek Ye Diligently and Teach One Another Words of Wisdom”
George R. Hill shares insights into how both the “scientific method” and the “revelation method” can help us discover truth.
“Taking Sweet Counsel”
To improve our eternal relationships, we must take sweet counsel from the Lord in prayer and with others in councils.
Waiting upon the Lord
To bring down the power of heaven, we must learn the principle of waiting upon the Lord through real prayer, righteous living, and fervent listening.
Souls Aflame: The Prayer Heritage of the Latter-day Saints
Our theology is derived from prayer—we pray to God whom we know, and we must do so with our whole souls, with faith, sincerity, and love.
Prayer: Try Again
God always answers our prayers but often not in the way or timeframe we would like. As we exercise patience and faith, our relationship with Him will grow.
Call upon God
The Christian message is powered by words. When we call upon God, we need not only the right words, but the right heart to be effective.
“Father, Are You There?”
There comes a time in your life when you are faced with something you cannot do on your own, and then you learn to really talk to your Father in Heaven.
Sincere Prayer
If we really have a testimony of God, we will want to sincerely thank Him, repent, and plead for His help through earnest prayer.
Follow the Path of Prayer
The scriptures give us a guide to meaningful prayer. Sincere, reverent communion with God, with a willingness to accede to His will, is always answered.
Prayer, Purity, and Power
To access the spiritual power we need to meet life's challenges, we must make ourselves pure. Sincere prayer purifies and strengthens us.
The Story of My Life
Thomas L. Martin humorously describes the main events of his life and highlights how the hand of the Lord worked to help him reach all his righteous goals.