Fear Not and Return with Honor
We must follow Christ by exercising faith and keeping an eternal perspective to fulfill life’s mission and return with honor to our Father in Heaven.
Beautiful Babies Blessing the World
God doesn't use big battalions of soldiers to accomplish His purposes; He sends beautiful babies who go on to bless the world.
Stay Connected: Making It Safely Home
Bishop W. Christopher Waddell shares ways to stay connected to the one true source of knowledge—Jesus Christ—so we can make it safely back home to our Father in Heaven.
Vaulting to Greater Heights: Replacing Fear with Lasting Peace
Melissa Western shares how she came to know the Savior, and her testimony that we can each replace our fear with lasting peace from Him.
Embrace the Plan
Kim B. Clark teaches that as we embrace the plan God has for each one of us, we will find the power to overcome our personal crucibles.
The Plan of Salvation: The Gospel Paradigm
Through the lens of the plan of salvation, we gain perspective that helps us deal with questions, frustrations, and even crippling challenges.
Guided Safely Home
Exercising faith in God’s plan leads to eternal life. If we are faithful, we will be guided safely home.
Following Heavenly Father’s Plan
We can better follow Heavenly Father's plan for us when we invite the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
The Great Plan of Our God
God has a great plan for all of His children. His promises are sure, and have manifested themselves in each dispensation of time.
Moral Agency
By using our God-given moral agency in the way that Jesus Christ exemplified, we don't become God's puppets—we become like Him.
Focus on What Matters Most
By keeping the Lord’s plan of happiness in your sights, you can focus on what matters most in mortality and beyond.
The Instrument of Your Mind and the Foundation of Your Character
Mortal bodies are the instrument of the mind and the foundation of character. Care for and protect it from the spiritual dangers of the world.
The Great Plan of Redemption
Bruce L. Brown testifies that modern prophets have revealed and will continue to reveal important truths about the great plan of redemption.
Free Agency and Freedom
God's plan includes agency, the freedom to choose. That cannot be taken away, but our freedom, or ability to act on our choices, can.
The gift of agency is central to the Plan of Salvation. Using our agency to follow God's commandments gives us true independence and power over our destiny.
The Three Pillars of Eternity
The Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement are the foundations of salvation. As we understand them better, we can live to gain eternal life.
Jesus Christ and Him Crucified
The gospel that we believe and preach is that of the original apostles—the gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. That truth can change lives.
How to Get Your Own Plan of Salvation
Though the plan of salvation is universal, it is also extremely personal. Each of us must follow our own path of repentance, covenant-making, and obedience.
Man is God’s Greatest Creation
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Will You Pass the Test?
This earth life is part of a much grander eternal scheme. Our purpose is to pass the test of mortality and gain a place in our Heavenly Father's presence.
God Our Father: His Gospel Plan
Anchor your faith in deity—God who loves, leads and guides His children. As we seek to find Him, He will reward us with innumerable blessings.
The Purpose of Mortal Life
Though we may face trial, temptation, and distraction, let us not lose focus: the purpose of mortal life is to prepare for eternal life.