“As Long as the World Shall Stand”
David A. Bednar draws parallels between miracles in 1846 and in 2020. Covenants made in the temple are worth sacrifice and provide strength.
Stand Up Straight, Smile, and Remember Who You Are
What do a failed exam, a cut up degree, historical documents, and a screensaver have in common? A vision of ourselves and of BYU to remember and believe in.
Scandinavian Saints: A Legacy of Significant Sacrifice
Shauna C. Anderson shares stories of the Scandinavian Saints and their faith and courage in joining Zion during the time of the early Church.
From Pioneer Roots to a World-Class, Worldwide Institution
President Bateman outlines the history of BYU, from the pioneer founders to the present, emphasizing the Lord's hand in the university's growth.
The Nobility of Failure
R. Lanier Britsch uses stories of past missionaries' experiences to honor their faithfulness and to define eternal success.
Dean Douglas M. Chabries shares inspiring stories from his Western European, American, and Yugoslavian heritage, honoring the legacy of pioneer forbearers.
The Exodus Repeated
The Israelite exodus led by Moses and the trek of the Latter-day Saint pioneers have much in common and are part of our inspiring legacy.
It Still Takes Faith
Brent L. Top shares inspiring pioneer stories. Though our trials may not be as dramatic as theirs, it still takes faith for us to follow God each day.
Pioneering Journeys: Then and Now
How do our modern pioneer journeys relate to pioneer journeys of the past? Though we may not travel physically, we have metaphorical journeys.
Under Covenant Toward the Promised Land
If we wish to journey toward the promised land and toward God, we must go under His covenant made in sacred places by Saints and witnesses.
These Noble Pioneers
Gordon B. Hinckley speaks of the noble pioneers. The pioneers were people of great faith, of tremendous loyalty, and of unbending integrity.
“All This Way for That?”
Patience is necessary to overcome trials and tribulations, both small and large. The process of developing patience molds us into faithful Saints.
“Ye Also Ought to Retain in Remembrance”
You have a rich heritage as members of the Church. Do you retain in remembrance the sacrifices made for you, and the stories you can learn from?
Of Pioneers and Prophets
The legacy left behind by our pioneer ancestors—a legacy shared by converts and "pioneer stock" alike—is one that will continue to stand the test of time.
Pioneer Legacy: Our Brothers’ Keepers
Brigham Young's admonition to the Saints to bring in the pioneers suffering on the plains was a reminder to us all: we are our Brother’s Keeper.
The Heritage of Our Summer Holidays
As we celebrate the various summer holidays, we must remember the heritage they commemorate and determine to preserve the gifts we’ve been given.
It’s True, Isn’t It?
Pioneers early and modern have made immense sacrifices for their testimony of the gospel. They know that if it is true, little else really matters.
The Vision of the Founders
We have a responsibility to the pioneer founders who sacrificed so much for their vision of this school to keep its spirit and purpose alive and unique.
Karl G. Maeser
Bryant S. Hinckley offers a tribute commemorating Karl G. Maeser, whose life and service to BYU make up an important part of the school's legacy.