Building Character
BYU President Kevin Worthen discusses how striving to develop a humble, optimistic attitude will lead to greater character strength.
Truth and Tolerance
Mutual respect and tolerance for others while maintaining commitment to gospel truth will bring all of us closer to Christ.
Our Moral Test
This life is a moral test in which we all have infinite potential. As we achieve and progress, we must be humble and realize how much more we have to learn.
On the Moral Purposes of Law and Government
As we move into a secular age, we cannot overlook the importance of government's moral purposes, which include the protection of life and family.
Moral Agency
By using our God-given moral agency in the way that Jesus Christ exemplified, we don't become God's puppets—we become like Him.
The University of Mortality
We are here in this university of mortality to learn eternal values. Some courses might include self-worth, morality, integrity, and hard work.
Of Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments
Jeffrey R. Holland discusses the sanctity of chastity and physical intimacy. The power of souls, symbols, and sacraments is gifted from God.
The Law of Chastity
The law of chastity is a principle of eternal significance. Take seriously this counsel to avoid sin, and to use the blessings of repentance when needed.
“Who We Are and What God Expects Us to Do”
BYU is founded on inspiring tradition that, when understood and honored, helps us fulfill the lofty mission of this university.
“Unless You’re a Mormon”
What does it mean to be a Mormon? When the pressure mounts to break our standards, will we be true? What values define our character?
The American Challenge
The American challenge today is to win back and defend morality, freedom from excessive government control, and patriotism.
Doing the Right Things for the Right Reasons
It isn't enough to be doing the right things; we need to make sure we are doing them for the right reasons. Ask yourself, "Are my motives pure?"
Add to Your Faith Virtue
Sexual purity and virtue are imperative for men and women alike. Living morally will prevent temporal and spiritual consequences for you and your families.
The Ten Commandments and You
Cecil DeMille, producer of the film The Ten Commandments, delivers a call to BYU graduates to let the laws of God empower their lives.
Why Religious Education!
Religious education—in homes, churches, and institutes of religion everywhere—are necessary for our spiritual and moral health.
What Is True Freedom?
We are blessed to live in a free land. But is true freedom the ability to do whatever you darn well please? No. True freedom cannot come without morality.
A Style of Our Own
As the world becomes increasingly dismissive of the morality, we must create a style of our own—one of modesty and chastity.
Protecting Political Freedom
As the central government's power ever increases, we must protect our political freedom and show that we will take a stand as members of the Church.