Bring Healing Light into Your Life
When we feel burdened or overwhelmed, we can find healing light by recognizing miracles, putting in effort, and serving others.
Healing Racism Through Jesus Christ
Ryan Gabriel explains how following Jesus Christ can help the United States begin healing from racism and can eventually change the world.
There Must Needs Be a Christ
Kyle S. McKay shares why we need to embrace the plan of God and the doctrine of Christ; Christ can undo wrongs and provide healing.
“Walk in Newness of Life”
In the scriptures, ordinary people use the Atonement to "walk in newness of life." Their examples prove it is never too late to change.
Healing = Courage + Action + Grace
The healing process can be painful and difficult, but having courage to act and Christ’s grace makes it possible.
“Come unto Me”
Christ's invitation to come unto Him extends to us all. We are promised that in Him, we can not only find healing, but be enabled to help heal others.
Spiritual Leprosy
Spiritual leprosy, like physical leprosy, can cause us to lose feeling. Yet, like physical illness, we can be healed through courage and the help of Christ.