Questions and Answers
Elder Ballard offers timely and loving answers to tough questions about topics such as perfectionism, education, pornography, and the needs of LGBTQ saints.
True to the Faith
"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men." Guide your life by these principles—be true to the faith.
“Lay Hold upon Every Good Thing”
We can navigate a changing world by laying hold on "every good thing:" eternal family, personal purity, and learning by study and faith.
We Believe in You!
As hard as it may be at times to avoid the "Devil’s Throat" - the tricky, slippery pitfall of sin - we believe in your integrity, morality, and potential.
Of Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments
Jeffrey R. Holland discusses the sanctity of chastity and physical intimacy. The power of souls, symbols, and sacraments is gifted from God.
The Law of Chastity
The law of chastity is a principle of eternal significance. Take seriously this counsel to avoid sin, and to use the blessings of repentance when needed.
“Rejoice in Christ Jesus, and Have No Confidence in the Flesh”
As we choose to follow the Savior, and have no confidence in the contrary messages of the world, we will understand our great potential in His eternal plan.
The Gospel and Romantic Love
Romantic love is pure, sacred, and central to the gospel. It is because of, not in spite of, that fact that we must treat it carefully.
Spiritual Ecology
Elder Neal A. Maxwell teaches that chastity and family love are key components to healthy individual, family, and community spiritual ecology.
Love vs. Lust
Understanding the difference between love and lust can help us in understanding God's laws about reserving sexual intimacy for marriage.
Purity Is Power
Sexual purity is essential to your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Do not trade a moment of pleasure for the joys of family and a pure heart.
Sex is so sacred that God placed about it one of the greatest safeguards and laws, the law of chastity, that He has ever made for any of His creations.
A Style of Our Own
As the world becomes increasingly dismissive of the morality, we must create a style of our own—one of modesty and chastity.