Illuminating Your Place in God’s Masterpiece
Just as stained glass reflects light, we can reflect the light of Christ, which can illuminate where we need to be in God's masterpiece.
A Life Centered on Jesus Christ
True joy comes when we focus on what is within our control and then center and recenter our faith and life on Jesus Christ.
Finding Your Community
We can do our part to create a beloved and hopeful community through everyday acts and acceptance of others.
The Macroeconomic, Geopolitical, and Social Trends Defining Our World
Dambisa Moyo explains the impacts of macroeconomic, geopolitical, and social trends that are prevalent today, especially the decrease of GDP.
The Power to Change
As we link ourselves to the Savior’s name, we gain the power to change for the better. And as we gain this power to change, we can become more like Him.
If You Don’t Like It, Change It
Carrie Roberts shares how discovering her why and believing in her own power to change her life has affected her throughout her career.
On Change and Becoming: Thoughts from a Reluctant Grower
Change is hard. But if we are willing, rather than reluctant, growers, God will give us experiences to be grateful for and help us become our best selves.
“Walk in Newness of Life”
In the scriptures, ordinary people use the Atonement to "walk in newness of life." Their examples prove it is never too late to change.
Make a Difference in the World
Andrea Thomas teaches that doing small things and listening to those around us are easy ways to make a difference in the world.
Becoming More Teachable
We can work on becoming more teachable by sticking to the fundamentals, being grateful and humble, and, when necessary, repenting and recalibrating.
A New Tradition
Consider your own traditions and how they align with the gospel of Christ.
Choices and Changes, Burdens and Blessings
Everyone has freedom to make choices, which can be difficult, but as we choose to follow God, we choose to change and become better.
A More Excellent Way: A Changing BYU in a Changing World
BYU responds to the changing world with new projects and opportunities to direct the university in “a more excellent way.”
Perspectives on Change
Change is inevitable—both in our lives and in the world—but we choose how to react to these changes and whether we will grow because of them.
Love Changes Everything
Charity is a gift of God that requires a pure heart and a clean conscience. This love of Christ is deep and constant. It changes everything.
Repentance: A Mighty Change of Heart
Repentance is the cure for a heart made sick through sin. It can be a difficult and even lengthy process, but is always worth the sweet spiritual reward.
Reconciliation with God (changing our ways and turning to peace and harmony with His ways) is possible only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Though we may like the idea of change, actual transitions can be uncomfortable, but through them, we can find opportunities to change.
World in Transition
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Things That Change, and Things That Don’t
Life brings constant change. However, some things never change—certain absolute truth, or eternal truths central to the gospel.
Knowing When to Persevere and When to Change Direction
When the plan we have in mind doesn't seem to be working out, God will tell us when to persevere and when to change direction. He has a plan.
For Times of Trouble
Trouble will come, but discouragement doesn't have to. If we work now to prepare ourselves through patient and faithful discipleship, we will get through.
“If Thou Wilt Be Perfect, . . . Come and Follow Me”
Constant study of the gospel will help you in developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to be guided by the Spirit in following the Savior.
Administration of the Restored Church
N. Eldon Tanner explains the organization and administration of the restored Church and how departments work in tandem to accomplish the Lord's work.
The Freedom to Become
God gave us the freedom to choose but not the freedom to choose our consequences. To become our best selves, we must choose the right.
The Time for New Year’s Resolutions
As we begin a new year and contemplate New Year’s resolutions, let us not forget the things we have pondered over the recent Christmas holiday. Center your goals on having the spirit of Christmas with you always.