Andrew Teal
The Reverend Dr. Andrew Teal is a chaplain, fellow, and lecturer in theology for Pembroke College at Oxford University—and he is also best friends with an Apostle. While visiting Oxford to deliver a series of lectures in 2018, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland met Rev. Dr. Teal. In a virtual conference with Rev. Dr. Teal Elder Holland said of his friend, “Andrew is, simply and truly and affectionately, one of the best friends I have in the Christian world.”1 Due to his friendship with Elder Holland, Rev. Dr. Teal was invited to participate in Brigham Young University’s first Inspiring Learning Student Seminar, held by the Maxwell Institute in 2019. He later returned in the fall of 2021 as a visiting scholar, a position that includes working “on an academic study of Joseph Smith as a Christian leader” and an invitation to deliver a forum address to the campus.2 Rev. Dr. Teal “is especially committed to furthering theological understanding in dialogue with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”3 As the Maxwell Institute’s executive director, Spencer Fluhman, said, “We are honored to call Andrew a friend and fellow-traveller.”4
Rev. Dr. Teal is an extremely accomplished scholar and has also been deeply involved in his community. His research areas include historical a innd systematic theology, the history of Christianity, and the study of religions, each topics that he has many scholarly publications about in his career. Beyond his publications, Rev. Dr. Teal has learned several languages, adding fluency in French, ancient Greek, and Hebrew to his native fluency in English. He is also a Farmington fellow and warden of a women’s lay religious order in Oxford, the Sisters of the Love of God. Rev. Dr. Teal has been a full faculty member of Oxford University since 2008, and his previous positions included admissions coordinator, disability officer, harassment advisor, and teacher of New Testament Greek.5 Wherever he serves, Rev. Dr. Teal inspires those around the world with his friendly demeanor, love for the Savior, and ability to be someone who “manages difficult questions with gentleness and grace.”6 He also encourages Christians to share the truth of what they know: “The world can get so disenchanted — and our job is to re-enchant them and sing a love song of Jesus to our world.”7
[1] Jason Swensen. “What Elder Holland and Rev. Teal — clerics and friends — say about gathering light and truth,” Church News, Apr 2021.
[2] “Reverend Dr. Andrew Teal Joins the Maxwell Institute as Fall 2021 Visiting Scholar,” The Maxwell Institute, Aug 2021.
[3] “The Revd. Dr. Andrew Teal,” BYU International Center for Law and Religion Studies.
[4] “Reverend Dr. Andrew Teal.”
[5] “Revd Dr Andrew Teal,” University of Oxford.
[6] “Elder Holland and Rev. Teal.”
[7] “Elder Holland and Rev. Teal.”